A very easy way that you can help save our planet is by giving to charities. Below are many different Environmental Charities that I think are all taking on the challenge of caring for the environment, looking a if from different angles, and strategies. Here are my top 5 Environmental Charities:
- World Wildlife fund‘s mission is to conserve nature, and work to remove some of the most pressing issues facing our planet earth, including climate change. For more information: https://www.worldwildlife.org/
- Greenpeace is a non-profit organization taking on some of the most daunting issues facing our planet, through leadership, justice, and the right to dissent for over 50 years. For more information: https://www.greenpeace.org/global/
- The NRDC aka the National resources defense center, they use law, science, and the power of the people, to take on the most pressing issues facing our planet. For more information:https://www.nrdc.org/
- Wild aid works to reduce the global consumption of wild life products and at large, to stop the illegal wildlife trade business. For more information: https://wildaid.org/
- Mission Blue is an organization founded by Sylvia Earle, that works to insure the health and wellness of our oceans and their inhabitants. https://mission-blue.org/Here’s a video that explains their work:
Here are some other great environmental charities: (in no particular order)
- 350.org
- The Climate Group
- David Suzuki Foundation
- Earth Justice
- Friends of the Earth
- Environmental Law alliance worldwide
- Environmental investigation agency
- Environmental Defense Fund
- Roots and Shoots
- Rose Foundation for Communities and the Environment
- The Solutions Project
- Sierra club Foundation
- One tree Planted
- Defenders of Wildlife
- Global Footprints Network
- West Sound Wildlife Shelter
- International Fund for Animal Welfare
- Earth Day Network
- Marine Conservation Institute
- Wildlife Direct
- National Audubon Society
- Conservation International
- League of conservation voters
- Rainforest Alliance
- Greater Good
- The Nature Conservancy
- American Bird Conservancy
- Cheetah Conservancy Fund
- Sea Turtle Conservancy
- Living Lands and Waters
- Beyond Pesticides
- Access Fund
- Appalachian Trail Conservancy
- Coral Reef Alliance
- Grand Canyon Trust
- Ocean Conservancy
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