This is a list of many things you can throughout your house to help the environment! You absolutely do not need to be everything on this list! I am only trying to give you a wide range of ideas of how you can make your every day life more environmentally friendly. I hope you take a look!
- Buy reusable cloth towels/napkins instead of paper ones
- Eat your leftovers
- Try to conserve water
- Buy local, Buy organic, eat seasonally
- Buy cage free eggs
- Use your dishwasher-it uses less water than hand washing
- Remodeling your kitchens? Take a look at these eco friendly designs! LINK
- Use reusable cloth produce bags
- Use reusable glass Tupper wear containers
- Use a stainless steel or glassware bottle instead of buying plastic ones
- Use stainless steel straws
- Use a metal lunch box
- Buy bamboo utensils
- Use a hand coffee grinder
- Use cloth bowl covers
- Use reusable tea bags
- Use a French press
- Use beeswraps LINK
- Store greens is a glass of water
- Shop bulk
- Bring a reusable coffee cup
- If you eat seafood, make sure it’s not endangered or overfished
- If out buy a set of beverages with a 6-pack ring, (soda, beer, etc.) cut the rings before you through them away. This will prevent any wildlife from getting stuck in the rings
- Eat less meat
- Have a vegetarian day
- Use seventh generation, Mr. Meyers, or Earth friendly products when cleaning. They all are plant based and eco friendly
- Use a bamboo toothbrush
- Use natural soap LINK
- Use a Shampoo Bar
- Use glass jars as storage
- Buy s bamboo hairbrush/comb
- Use metal scissors
- Take a look at Earth Breezes Laundry Sheets! LINK
- Bring your own toiletries when traveling
- Use a clothesline
- Buy clothes with organic cotton
- Renovating your Bathroom? Check out some eco-Friendly options: LINK
- Keep a rain barrel
- Throw eco-friendly Birthday parties! You’ll Find a guide on this website Under: Eco B-Day Parties
- Lego recycles your old Legos! Learn more here: LINK
- Happy cow can help you find Vegan and Vegetarian restaurants near you. Check it out: LINK
- Make/Buy a bird feeder
- Recycle your old fishing line with The Berkley Conservation Institute: LINK
- Lonely Planet is environmentally friendly and can help you plan your travels: LINK
- Loom for Speesees Products when shopping for children’s clothes
- Plant Herbs+veggies
- Get out in nature
- Thrift store
- Plant trees
- Plant plants for specific local animals and insects
- Be aware of the invasive and native species in your area
- Use social media to support eco-friendly and pro-environment organizations, and to raise awareness on issues you care about
- Start a Petition LINK
- Volunteer
- Donate
- Follow the 3 C’s: Conserving, Cleaning, and Chiming in
- Volunteer at a local park or beach clean up
- Help the bees
- Avoid pesticides in your garden. Pesticides kill a ton of wildlife. When you spray them on your garden if is getting on the food you eat, and you do not want to be eating chemicals!
- Plants plants that help pollinators
- start a garden
- Get out in nature
- Learn more about the nature and wildlife around you
- Thinking or redoing the outdoors? Visit this site to landscaping, decks, and the outdoor ideas: LINK
- Wrap your water heater in an insulating jacket
- Look to buy products with a energy star or green seal label’s on them
- Wash your car at a self serve car wash. It may seem better to wash at home, but the runoff is very bad for the environment
- Instead of throwing away old batteries, recycle them! Learn how or AAA Battery roundup
- With eFax you can fax online, which is much better your the environment
- Print the eco way at greenprint .eco
- Use USBcell rechargeable batteries
- Participate in staples eco easy technology recycling program
- Always turnoff the lights when you leave the room, even id it’s just for a moment
- Use LED lightbulbs and conserve energy whenever possible
- Turn off the T.V. when you are not in the room or not watching
- Walk or ride your bike to cut back of fossil fuels
- Carpool whenever possible
- Try to avoid traveling by airplane. It produces a very high level carbon dioxide
- Turn down the AC
- Check out these environmentally friendly alternatives to energy: LINK
- recycle your glass
- yemmhart makes furniture with eco materials Learn more about their work here: LINK
- CARE, or Carpet America Recovery effort’s mission, is to decrease the carpet in American’s landfills by recycling it. Learn more here: LINK
- Attend a zero waste event
- Participate is a local cleanup
- Sort out your recycling (Paper, plastic, glass,)
- Take note of your Plastic consumption
- Don’t buy items with a lot of packaging
- Follow the 4 R’s: Recycle, Reuse, Reduce, and Rot(Composting)
- Don’t let your balloon’s fly away. They can land in body’s of water or in an animals habitat and can easily be mistaken for food
- Storex and Rubbermaid are both companies with eco friendly office supplies
- The pen/Marker Company Faber Castell, is Pro-environment
- Crayola recycles their old products. They call it the ColorCycle
- Buy recycled paper, and print as little as possible
- Write to your representatives about what you are doing to help the environment, and what topics you think they should take action on
- Try to use less paper in general
- Buy and invest invest friendly companies, and try to avoid those that don’t. Talk to your financial adviser about this today
- Use both sides of the Paper
- Looking for an environmentally friendly pet food? The Honest Kitchen of The Wagging Green company are both great choices
- Pick up after your pet
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