Saving the Earth starts at Home

This is a list of many things you can throughout your house to help the environment! You absolutely do not need to be everything on this list! I am only trying to give you a wide range of ideas of how you can make your every day life more environmentally friendly. I hope you take a look!


  1. Buy reusable cloth towels/napkins instead of paper ones
  2. Eat your leftovers
  3. Try to conserve water
  4. Buy local, Buy organic, eat seasonally
  5. Buy cage free eggs
  6. Use your dishwasher-it uses less water than hand washing
  7. Remodeling your kitchens? Take a look at these eco friendly designs! LINK
  8. Use reusable cloth produce bags
  9. Use reusable glass Tupper wear containers
  10. Use a stainless steel or glassware bottle instead of buying plastic ones
  11. Use stainless steel straws
  12. Use a metal lunch box
  13. Buy bamboo utensils
  14. Use a hand coffee grinder
  15. Use cloth bowl covers
  16. Use reusable tea bags
  17. Use a French press
  18. Use beeswraps LINK
  19. Store greens is a glass of water
  20. Shop bulk
  21. Bring a reusable coffee cup
  22. If you eat seafood, make sure it’s not endangered or overfished
  23. If out buy a set of beverages with a 6-pack ring, (soda, beer, etc.) cut the rings before you through them away. This will prevent any wildlife from getting stuck in the rings
  24. Eat less meat
  25. Have a vegetarian day


  1. Use seventh generation, Mr. Meyers, or Earth friendly products when cleaning. They all are plant based and eco friendly
  2. Use a bamboo toothbrush
  3. Use natural soap LINK
  4. Use a Shampoo Bar
  5. Use glass jars as storage
  6. Buy s bamboo hairbrush/comb
  7. Use metal scissors
  8. Take a look at Earth Breezes Laundry Sheets! LINK
  9. Bring your own toiletries when traveling
  10. Use a clothesline
  11. Buy clothes with organic cotton
  12. Renovating your Bathroom? Check out some eco-Friendly options: LINK


  1. Keep a rain barrel
  2. Throw eco-friendly Birthday parties! You’ll Find a guide on this website Under: Eco B-Day Parties
  3. Lego recycles your old Legos! Learn more here: LINK
  4. Happy cow can help you find Vegan and Vegetarian restaurants near you. Check it out: LINK
  5. Make/Buy a bird feeder
  6. Recycle your old fishing line with The Berkley Conservation Institute: LINK
  7. Lonely Planet is environmentally friendly and can help you plan your travels: LINK
  8. Loom for Speesees Products when shopping for children’s clothes
  9. Plant Herbs+veggies
  10. Get out in nature
  11. Thrift store
  12. Plant trees
  13. Plant plants for specific local animals and insects
  14. Be aware of the invasive and native species in your area
  15. Use social media to support eco-friendly and pro-environment organizations, and to raise awareness on issues you care about
  16. Start a Petition LINK
  17. Volunteer
  18. Donate
  19. Follow the 3 C’s: Conserving, Cleaning, and Chiming in
  20. Volunteer at a local park or beach clean up
  21. Help the bees
  22. Avoid pesticides in your garden.  Pesticides kill a ton of wildlife. When you spray them on your garden if is getting on the food you eat, and you do not want to be eating chemicals!
  23. Plants plants that help pollinators
  24. start a garden
  25. Get out in nature
  26. Learn more about the nature and wildlife around you
  27. Thinking or redoing the outdoors? Visit this site to landscaping, decks, and the outdoor ideas: LINK


  1. Wrap your water heater in an insulating jacket
  2. Look to buy products with a energy star or green seal label’s on them
  3. Wash your car at a self serve car wash. It may seem better to wash at home, but the runoff is very bad for the environment
  4. Instead of throwing away old batteries, recycle them! Learn how or AAA Battery roundup
  5. With eFax you can fax online, which is much better your the environment
  6. Print the eco way at greenprint .eco
  7. Use USBcell rechargeable batteries
  8. Participate in staples eco easy technology recycling program
  9. Always turnoff the lights when you leave the room, even id it’s just for a moment
  10. Use LED lightbulbs and conserve energy whenever possible
  11. Turn off the T.V. when you are not in the room or not watching
  12. Walk or ride your bike to cut back of fossil fuels
  13. Carpool whenever possible
  14. Try to avoid traveling by airplane. It produces a very high level carbon dioxide
  15. Turn down the AC
  16. Check out these environmentally friendly alternatives to energy: LINK


  1. recycle your glass
  2. yemmhart makes furniture with eco materials Learn more about their work here: LINK
  3. CARE, or Carpet America Recovery effort’s mission, is to decrease the carpet in American’s landfills by recycling it. Learn more here: LINK
  4. Attend a zero waste event
  5. Participate is a local cleanup
  6. Sort out your recycling (Paper, plastic, glass,)
  7. Take note of your Plastic consumption
  8. Don’t buy items with a lot of packaging
  9. Follow the 4 R’s: Recycle, Reuse, Reduce, and Rot(Composting)
  10. Don’t let your balloon’s fly away. They can land in body’s of water or in an animals habitat and can easily be mistaken for food


  1. Storex and Rubbermaid are both companies with eco friendly office supplies
  2. The pen/Marker Company Faber Castell, is Pro-environment
  3. Crayola recycles their old products. They call it the ColorCycle
  4. Buy recycled paper, and print as little as possible
  5. Write to your representatives about what you are doing to help the environment, and what topics you think they should take action on
  6. Try to use less paper in general
  7. Buy and invest invest friendly companies, and try to avoid those that don’t. Talk to your financial adviser about this today
  8. Use both sides of the Paper


  1. Looking for an environmentally friendly pet food? The Honest Kitchen of The Wagging Green company are both great choices
  2. Pick up after your pet

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