30 simple ways you can combat the Climate crisis

  1. Turn off the lights and television when you are not in the room. You can also unplug lamps you don’t use often. As long as they are pugged in, they still use energy.
  2. Plant a tree. Trees produce oxygen, which reduce the amount of Co2 in the air. Every time you take a breath, you can thank a tree!
  3. Donate to a climate change Charity. This is a simple way to do you part in climate crisis, by the click of a button. For some ideas, check out the page on Climate change Charities on this website.
  4. Reduce your Waste. An easy guide to doing this is the 4 R’s: Reuse, Reduce, Recycle, and Rot. (Rot means composting)
  5. Invest in companies with eco-friendly policy’s and lifestyles. Talk to you financial Adviser today about this.
  6. Walk or bike instead confusing a vehicle, or carpool if possible.
  7. Go offline as much as possible
  8. When you are online, make sure to not be simultaneously charging your device.
  9. Speak up in your community about acting on climate change!
  10. Put a sweater or have a popsicle instead of playing with the thermostat
  11. Take short showers
  12. Watch your water usage
  13. Have a Vegetarian day, or try to cut back on your meat consumption
  14. Use LED light bulbs. LED use up to 75% less energy.
  15. Donate things you don’t want or need anymore.
  16. Write to your representatives about what your doing in this climate crisis, and why they should take action too.
  17. Use social media to spread awareness of environmental issues you care about, an to show support of different organizations.
  18. Start a petition: LINK
  19. Buy recycled paper, and print as little as possible.
  20. Avoid traveling by airplanes
  21. Use a clothesline!
  22. Let natural light into your home, and use it
  23. Plant a garden!
  24. Research your digital/carbon footprint
  25. Wash your car in a self serve carwash. (The run off from washing it at home is very bad for the environment)
  26. Switch to renewable energy
  27. Avoid Plastic as much as possible.(Plastic bags, Plastic, straws, Plastics bottles, etc.)
  28. Share-The fewer over all, the fewer garbage, and it saves resources.
  29. Support and join climate change movements
  30. Vote for leaders who take climate change seriously

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