COVID 19-Hope


Written by Greta

Hope. Sometimes it seems as if its disappearing. When hard times get like this, one thing that tends to help is to focus on the “At least’s” For example, at least what you are doing(staying home and social distancing) can, and is saving saving lives. At least now we can get creative, use our imaginations and creative juices. At least we have technology that gives us the ability to text, face time, or have a zoom meeting. At least we have hundreds of amazing first responders and medical staff working everyday for us. At least everyone can help. At least… Yup, you heard me right. You, me, everyone can help in this Pandemic. There are tons of things can do to help hospitals, Nurses, students, hungry/homeless people, patients, teachers, Victims, doctors, seniors in nursing homes, people working in nursing homes, and so, so many other people! You can donate to nursing homes, hospitals, health organizations, places that are feeding people that (normally) depend on places that are now closed for food, like , or your local food pantry. You can make a thoughtful homemade craft or card for a local first responded or medical workers/staff, thanking them for them for the amazing work they do for us. You could also focus on your close local community too, doing acts of kindness for neighbors or a friend. This could include leaving homemade cookies on their doorstep, or leaving a card asking if they are OK, if you can do anything for them, or even just letting them know that you are thinking of them. You can use the things that you’re best at to help others to. For example, if you are good at drawing, you could put drawings in the windows of your home to spread hope, or make rainbow chalk drawings on the sidewalk or the end of your driveway. If you like to bake, make a special treat for a friend and leave it on their doorstep. And if you are not into drawing or baking, have some fun getting your creative juices and imagination to make up your own ideas! In the meantime, keep busy and remember-HOPE ISN’T CANCELED!

“Use what talent you possess: The woods would be very silent if no birds sang except those that sang best.”

-Henry Van Dyke

Don’t be a slacker

Written by Greta

Every day, the level of stress on our shoulders double, triple, stay the same, or maybe almost vanish completely. Without a doubt these are days of uncertainty and worry. We do not know what tomorrow will bring, and we definitely did not see this coming just a couple weeks ago-so what will happen in the weeks to come? Now that we are stuck in our houses nearly all day every day, we find ourselves starting to finally do those long, painstaking projects that we’ve kept putting aside for so long; painting the bedrooms, organizing the closet, or maybe even replacing the kitchen cabinets, to take up some of the time. And yet while we are doing all these great things for ourselves, even when our lives seem to be completely full of the outside world, we forget about all the other problems in our world. When we are sitting at out tables or couches eating dinner, think of those who do not have dinner, or who are incapable to make it. While we are quarantined in out homes, remember those who do not have a home to go to. When our families have to stay home from school and work, let us remember those who lack education, and do not have a job to stay home from. Even when we cannot physically be with these people in need, the other possibility of what we can do for them are endless. Donate to the food pantry. Donate to the red cross, hospitals treating COVID 19 patients, as well as nursing homes or your local first responders. You could make a card for a local first responder, someone in a nursing home, or a medical staff worker. It would brighten their day lots. Like I said, the possibilities are endless. Just because nobody is coming into your house does not give you the green light to become an unhealthy slacker! You are forgetting about the people out there, freezing on the sidewalks. You are forgetting about the fish choking in plastic at this very moment. You are forgetting about the people starving. You can still be the best person you can be, wherever you are. Those people in need are counting on people just like you to save the day. They need you. Don’t be a slacker.

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