My perspective

Written By Greta

How would you like there to be a possibility that someone could break into your house and murder you in your living room? How would you like to have to risk your life every time you left your house? How would you like to not even be able to trust the authorities that are supposed to be protecting you? This is the terrifying world that our black community sadly lives in.

When someone posts online Black lives matter, one of the most frequent responses in the comments below is: “Don’t white lives matter too?” Yes of course! Every person’s life matters, and everyone should respect everyone’s life. But that includes black lives. And you don’t live with the same fears as our black community does-Because your lives are respected- But most Black lives are not. And we need to be grateful that we have the amazing opportunities that you have, because so many people do not have them. And you need to grab those opportunities to fight so that others can have those opportunities.

But you have to understand that yes white lives matter and should be respected, but they are. That’s not the problem were dealing with. The problem is that black lives should be respected but are not..

And that needs to change.

And before we can change anything we need to change our thinking.

And respect black lives ourselves.

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