Kindness is a super power that everyone – even you- has the the potential to use. Even the most unexpected people can do something that surprises you. And your job isn’t to discourage that, even if you don’t personally like that person. And even if you think that you shouldn’t do that-because you are a person that other people might think of as not very kind, and you you feel like it would be weird for you to be kind for that reason…. Think for a second. Do you really want your reputation to be like that? And if your answer is no, than you are in luck: this is your chance to turn that around. And if your just not 100% kind and loving 24/7, doesn’t mean your a bad person. that’s a fact. I’m not kind and loving all the time either. And if you are someone who is kind, and does things for others, keep doing what you do. It matters. And lets try to get as close as we can to that 100% mark, even if we never will because: “Act as if what you do makes a difference. IT DOES. -William James
Below is a link to an awesome website called tea cups and tales, which talks about different random acts of kindness. Enjoy! 🙂
Here are the pages on this website about kindness. Please feel free to explore them!
I love that you are encouraging kindness (because it absolutely is a superpower) but at the same time reminding everyone that is is also okay to be human!