
There are tons of charities all over the planet working to improve it. You can do a simple act of kindness by donating to one. It can make a HUGE difference in someone’s life. On this page, I will be listing and describing all sorts of different charities, and how you can contribute to them.


  1. Barefoot Collage educates rural poor women across a global network. Barefoot collage takes these Illiterate and teaches them about circuits, nuts, bolts, and screw, and train them to become solar engineers. Therefore they are able to create light for their villages. The students there are called “solar mamas” There are solar mamas in over 93 countries, with over 1 million people with light. More at https://www.barefootcollege.org/
  2. Heifer is an organization that helps families in poverty all across the globe, by giving them the tools the need to thrive. When you give to Heifer, it then gives a family experiencing poverty a flock of chickens, a goat, or a cow. The food these animals produce the family is able to sell, and then make money. There are many ways to donate to Heifer. You can start a fundraiser with your, school, friends, family, church, work, etc. Or you can join someone else’s fundraising page. More at https://www.heifer.org/
  3. Water.org makes clean water accessible to those in need! They give them small, affordable loans to pay of, in exchange for clean water without having to travel. Because they now have access to clean water, they are then able to things like go to school and work, that a-low them to pay off these loans. You can donate to water.org online, by phone, email, in honor of someone, you can start a fundraiser or competition, and so much more. More at https://water.org/
  4. Feeding America is an organization working to end hunger in the U.S. They collaborate with manufactures, distributors, retailers, food service company, farmers, and more to collect and distribute leftover food before it goes to waste. Feeding america also believes a that we need to spread word of the issue, and get others to understand and get involved. More at https://www.feedingamerica.org/
  5. One Great Hour of sharing helps people around the world, wether it’s after a natural disaster, or a starving village, oghs does their very best to hekp out. Here is a video that explains their work.:

Here are a few other charities worth mentioning(In no particular order):

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