Poverty-Why should I do my part?


  • Mothers around the world are making only 78 cents every day!
  • In 2013, 14.7 million children lived n poverty, with over 45.3 million Americans living in poverty. That’s just in America.
  • In 2011 more than 1 billion people lived on less than $1.25 Most on a lot less than $1.25

“Imagine trying to run a race if you started 10 yards behind everyone else, hadn’t eaten breakfast that morning, or maybe even dinner the night before, had slept in your third homeless shelter that month, and didn’t really have shoes that fit right. Catching up would be really, really, hard. With almost 32 million American kids living in low income families, that means 4 out of 10 runners starting that far back”

-Chelsea Clinton, from the book “It’s Your world

Written by Greta

When you pass a man bundled up in a blanket on the sidewalk, or someone begging on you’re way to work, we tend to just keep walking, and turn away from these people that seem so distant from us. But the truth is, they’re nor that different from us at all. The things that got them there is something you and I fear alike; an sudden job loss, an unexpected bill or hospital visit. There really is no difference between you and that stranger, You are completely equal. It’s just that this person is in a situation where they need to be lifted to their feet, and ask for help, which can be a very hard and brave thing to do.(Begging is extremely humiliating. If you someone begging, take pity!) It’s not just those experiencing homelessness. It’s honestly anyone living is a low income environment. I’m not saying you need to give to every person in poverty $200 and a place to live in you’re basement. It’s the little things that add up. For example, check out this true story below

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