About me!

Hi there! My name is Greta, and this is my blog about making the world a better place. I named this website after The Bible story of the Good Samaritan. because this story shows the kindness we are all capable of, no matter what our background, beliefs, or appearances are. (if you are not familiar with the story of the Good Samaritan, click on “What is the Good Samaritan?” on this website)

I have always loved animals and nature, and was always watching Netflix documentaries about all sorts of wildlife! One day, under the “suggested for you” category in Netflix there was a Documentary called Mission Blue. I watched it. I was probably in first or second grade at the time. Mission Blue was hosted by Sylvia Earle, a famous marine biologist. The show talked about her life as a child all the way up present day.

As a kid, Sylvia lived in Florida with her backyard the Gulf of Mexico. At a young age she witnessed the horrors of pollution first hand during the terrible Gulf oil spill, turning the friendly waters of her backyard into a deadly trap for aquatic animals. But the documentary also talked about how she fought to protect the ocean her whole life. Sylvia set up over 60 “Hope spots,” acting as underwater national parks. She did this, and many other things through the organization she founded called: Mission Blue.

Sylvia Earle quickly because my role model. I dedicated hours of my time to reading Ocean Encyclopedias that I still have, and the information had stuck with me. I could tell you off the top of my head how many teeth a beluga whale has πŸ™‚ By the time I wet to North Carolina and saw the Ocean for the first time, I was already completely obsessed with the ocean. My biggest accomplishment during the time when I was “ocean obsessed” was raising $400 for -you guessed it-Mission Blue. But a few years later, another force of nature became known to me: Climate change. I was shocked by all the terrible things humans were doing were doing to the ozone layer, and why no one was doing anything to stop it.

By this time, I had begun to write articles. My way of telling someone something, or spreading the word about something is through writing. So I had several notebooks full of information about the ocean. And they quickly because full of information about climate change too. I started writing articles about the illegal harm people are doing to the environment to get Money, the consequences of climate change, what you can do to help, things like that.

But it occurred to me, that just showing these articles and shocking infor- mation to family was not getting the important messages in these articles to the people that needed to hear them. So (with some help) I was able to set up this website to share these articles with you, and the world! πŸ™‚ But you might be wondering: These articles aren’t just about the ocean or climate change. Where did I get the inspiration for the other articles?

Well, about that time another role model had come into view: Eleanor Roosevelt. The reason I was so amazed by her, was because most activists focus on one problem and fight for it their whole life. Eleanor Roosevelt however, moved all over the place! She fought for Children’s education, Women’s rights, Funded for wars, all sorts of thing. She helped lots of people from all over the place, and I admire her for that. So Eleanor Roosevelt focusing on all different sorts of dilemmas motivated me to do the same.She is the reason for the other articles.


Animal: Sea turtle/Cuddle fish/Kitten

Song Artist: Eva Cassidy

Color: Blue

Food: Tofu/Chocolate

Hobby: Sewing

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