What is the good Samaritan?

Many of you may be wondering “What is a good Samaritan?” The story of the Good Samaritan is a Bible story, about excepting people even if they are different from you:

The story of the good Samaritan

Once upon a time there was a man that was preparing to take a long journey on foot, trough the desert. He was going to a place called Jericho. The man was from a country called Jerusalem. Many people warned him about robbers that hid behind the rocks and would attack people when they went by. But the man when anyway. When we had only gone a little ways, he encountered a group of robbers. The robbers beat him, and stole everything; most of his clothes, and all of his belongings. Then they all ran away.

The man lay (alive) on the ground for several hours. Then a Priest came by on his donkey by. You would think that a priest would be a kind and helpful person to the man. But the priest simply showed his donkey around the man, and continued on his way.

A little while later another person came by: a man that worked in the temple in Jerusalem. And yet the man looked at the man hurt on the ground, and hurried down the road.

The a third man came along. This man was a Samaritan. Now, during this time period, there was country called Samaria. People that were from Samaria were called Samaritans. Samaritans were hated by the Jews, and they avoided each other. But today, the Samaritan Man stopped.

He got of his donkey.

He poured oil on the man’s wounds to soothe them, and wine to heal them. Then we bandaged them.

He stood the man up and place him on his donkey. Then he guided his donkey the rest of the way to Jericho. They stopped at the inn. The Samaritan man helped him get into a bed, and brought him supper.

The next morning, the Samaritan man paid the inn keeper, saying: “Take care of him. I will pay any extra bills when I come back.” And with that he left.

Moral: We should be kind to anyone who needs our help.